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Adding additional storage for charts and small continually in use objects

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What is the issue?
If cruising outside home waters where multiple charts will be required, you will find they are difficult to store as ideally they need to be stored in a large flat dry area. This creates a dilemma on vessels that have made no provision for the storage of charts.

Why address this?
Keeping charts in a convenient place and in good condition, will lengthen their life and have them ready for service when you need them. Likewise optimising storage for continually used items makes it easier to find just what you want when you need it, making life that bit more relaxed.

How to address this?
One approach is to insert a lift-out chart store into a flat surface.

Essentially a chart locker is a simple flat box that is very easy to construct. The key is to find a large flat surface in which to install it. Typically beneath the navigation station is ideal. However many do not have enough depth to accommodate this insert, so the next best areas are beneath a bunk and into a locker lid, or into the table.

The same approach may be used to segment locker storage by making smaller locker trays to keep the smaller items at the top. This makes it easier to find just what you want when you need it, making life that bit more relaxed.

It is imperative to install solid sliding bolts into each corner to fix it in place during heavy weather conditions. Something of this size coming loose in the cabin in a knockdown situation would be highly dangerous.

With thanks to:
Michael Harpur, Yacht Obsession.
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