Describe the sectors you want sheltered, where you expect the wind to blow from. You may manually input each by checking the compass points or auto-fill by checking the required days on this location's five day weather forecast, more information.
You may also use a combination of both manual and forecast auto-fill to add additional sectors. Please note that the forecast auto-fill adds one compass point on either side of the forecast to allow for variability. The grey segments in the compass rose provide a visual summary of the shelter construct.
Check the compass points
Or check the days you require
Please note that forecast auto-fill adds one compass point on either side of the forecast to allow for variability.
Level of protection
You may refine your search to specify a minimum level of protection, more information.
Quality of shelter is characterised from one to five stars and are described below. All levels are selected by default and you can set what is appropriate by checking the minimum star rating level. If you do not set a minimum level all havens that cover the requested quadrants will be presented irrespective of the quality of the shelter provided.
Specifying the minimum level of protection is important as this may vary significantly depending upon what it is needed for and the prevailing conditions. For instance, if conditions are moderate and it is simply needed for a lunch stop, most all locations from one star will be suitable. When looking for a location to stay overnight in comfort it would be more appropriate to select a three star minimum. Or when seeking shelter in rough conditions a minimum of four stars would be best. All of these depend upon what you are personally comfortable with, plus the capabilities of the vessel and crew.
Check the minimum
level of protection
Ease of access
You may refine your search to the set how easy seaward access is to the resources, more information.
Approaches to the shelter are also characterised from one to five stars. All access levels are selected by default and the minimum level of access complexity may be chosen by clicking the appropriate minimum star rating.
This minimum level of access complexity may vary significantly depending upon the time available, the vessel and skill levels of the crew plus the prevailing conditions. For instance, if conditions are moderate, plus time and experience are plentiful, the one star minimum could be the most suitable option for the adventurous sailor. If conditions are more developed, but the visibility is good, a three star minimum could be the best fit. Or when seeking shelter in heavy weather conditions a four stars access minimum may be best. All of these depend upon what you are personally comfortable with, plus the capabilities of the vessel and crew.
Check the minimum
ease of access
If you wish to refine your selection to only represent locations that can support a minimum LWS draught input the minimum here,
more information.
We tend to highlight the medium draught of a Haven and the search will focus on this. Deeper and shallower water may be available on closer inspection of the text.
Minimum draught required:
Nature of location
If you wish to restrict your results to a specific type of location, or several alternative types of location, check them here. Otherwise all location types will be presented in your results.
Check the icons
you require
Flag physical restrictions
If you wish to flag locations that have the following specific physical restrictions click on the listed icon or icons below.
Check the icons
to be avoided
Flag challenges
If you wish to flag locations that have the following listed complications click on their icon or icons below.
Check the icons
to be avoided
If you wish to restrict your results to locations with a specific type of facility, or several alternative types of facility, click the icons below.
Check the required